2008년 10월 8일 수요일

Tinnitus experiences from a blog

About 4 months ago, I started getting extreme noise/ringing in my ears. I went to the doctor and he said that I was clenching my jaw at night because of stress which may be a factor in the tinnitus. I also thought I would go crazy. I started wearing a mouth guard to ease the clenching which has helped my jaws feel better, but didn't do a thing for the tinnitus. Time has helped me to get used to it. I am also in the throes of menopause and wonder if hormones may have something to do with it. I am going to try the multi vitamin that someone else suggested. Good luck to all of us, and if anyone finds a "cure", please share it with us! Published: July 22 ::

I have had this problem hearing for the last two years, I was so worried and I went to the doctors and they said nothing wrong and this could be tinnitus and there is no cure and I have to get use to it, for the first two to three weeks I was so upset and I was reading so many articles on the internet, it was usefull. What I didn’t was in the day time I stop thinking about it and just took it so easy and now in the day time I never notice this sound but I know it is there, in the night I can hear the sound but I got use to it because I use a ceiling fan very fast and the sound of the fan fades this sound in my ear, now I am use to this and I have no problem at all, this sound in the morning is, less by evening it increases. One ayurvedic doctor told me that people who keep there mouth busy all the time its like people who eat gums all the time and hard stuff like nuts all the time everyday for months years will have this problem. I don’t know still nobody knows why this happens, but I eat gum a lot all the time when he said this I was upset because he never new I was eating this and addicted to gums. Published: June 03 ::

My tinnitus started when I was around 30. I am now 57 and the noise in my ears is sometimes unbearable. I experience many of the sounds mentioned in this website. I blame it on my "Rock & Roll" days. I was in a band and the guitar and drums would literally drown me out most performances. Anyway, I find that "not thinking about it" is the best cure right now. I have learned to live with my demon. One thing though, I do agree that the jaw is related to this condition as when I do a pronounced yawn, the sound gets softer. I should stop writing as this because it is making me think about my "condition". Published: July 31 ::

I worked 20 years at Telstra with a headset. We would get idiots ringing in doing things like blowing a whistle or screaming down the phone plus the screeches as they were called technical faults. I am sure this is what caused the tinnitus as I am getting older now, 62. I feel I’m going crazy with it. At night I have to sleep with the radio or TV on otherwise I would get no sleep at all. I have visited many specialists and have been told there is no cure. I have had hearing aids fitted recently. The doctor said it might help, but as of yet, it hasn’t. Published: June 30 ::

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