2008년 10월 30일 목요일

After the meeting/Oct 30

After meeting with Don, things kind of cleared out for me. I was insisting on making calendars even though I already knew the concept was flawed. So, again, after deviating so much for the last 2-3 weeks, I finally got to point where I have decided to make a info booklet (my initial idea). But, to make things a little easier, I am going to go with the imagery concept (the layering of images) except I would compose it in more coherent way so that it's clearer to the viewers. Also, the images/lines shouldn't disrupt the readers from reading the info or the info shouldn't be bothering the images other. They should form a harmony... To fulfill my goals, I have decided to use very simple images;  very clean shots of everyday object. The booklet won't be running in page numbers but in time. This means that the booklet will cover the daily "rituals" like brushing teeth and eating lunch in a simple object/photo. Then, there will be a coarse line going through the image, that resembles sound waves. The point of this is to show that the "noise" stays with the patient 24/7 and whatever the person does. This booklet with the images, lines and information should be educating for the friends and family of the patient. It should also be a helpful guide for the patient and should have some extra elements that help my audience to constantly be aware of the issue of "noise." I think I should be able to achieve this by keeping my idea of stickers and earplugs. Ultimately, what I hope that this booklet has friendly yet serious and clean look to it. I think that taking photographs of the daily object shouldn't be a problem but I think that figuring out the quality of the lines that goes across the page, so that it indicates sound rather than "art" or visual, will be challenging.

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