2008년 10월 30일 목요일

After the meeting/Oct 30

After meeting with Don, things kind of cleared out for me. I was insisting on making calendars even though I already knew the concept was flawed. So, again, after deviating so much for the last 2-3 weeks, I finally got to point where I have decided to make a info booklet (my initial idea). But, to make things a little easier, I am going to go with the imagery concept (the layering of images) except I would compose it in more coherent way so that it's clearer to the viewers. Also, the images/lines shouldn't disrupt the readers from reading the info or the info shouldn't be bothering the images other. They should form a harmony... To fulfill my goals, I have decided to use very simple images;  very clean shots of everyday object. The booklet won't be running in page numbers but in time. This means that the booklet will cover the daily "rituals" like brushing teeth and eating lunch in a simple object/photo. Then, there will be a coarse line going through the image, that resembles sound waves. The point of this is to show that the "noise" stays with the patient 24/7 and whatever the person does. This booklet with the images, lines and information should be educating for the friends and family of the patient. It should also be a helpful guide for the patient and should have some extra elements that help my audience to constantly be aware of the issue of "noise." I think I should be able to achieve this by keeping my idea of stickers and earplugs. Ultimately, what I hope that this booklet has friendly yet serious and clean look to it. I think that taking photographs of the daily object shouldn't be a problem but I think that figuring out the quality of the lines that goes across the page, so that it indicates sound rather than "art" or visual, will be challenging.

2008년 10월 28일 화요일


What's going to be on the calendar??

Jan: what is tinnitus?
what's it sound like?
Feb: what causes tinnitus? Physical and Mental stress (health issues)
Mar: Places to avoid/watch out and why??
Give examples for each categories and reasons. It has close connection with what causes tinnitus. 
 1. technology: headphones, bluetooth
April: 2. city noise: bus, cars, noise overlapping
May: 3. loudness: concert, clubs, lout music, excessive beats
June: 4. work places/profession: construction site, airplane, mowing
July: doctors and public reactions "live with it"/"what the heck is that"
Aug: Coping with tinnitus 
Sept: famous people with tinnitus
Oct: people with tinntus: experiences, stories
Nov: available treatment
Dec: self-help: how to "avoid" tinnitus
eg. wear earplugs/don't do/go list/noise level chart

There will be "tips" on how to help people with tinnitus/what to do/what's helpful


The exterior and interior view of gift box for the calendar. The simple colours and ordinary packaging connotes the internal effect of tinnitus. When the box is open, the overly complicated images and colours of the content should overwhelm the audience. It's a very indirect way of experiencing tinnitus
This is the back page of the calendar card. It will contain information/tip of the month. The rectangular boxes are where the text will be. Text will be in "none" so that the background colour and motifs shows through. The black background will be toned down to about 60-80%.
This is the front page of the calendar. It contains illustration and dates. Illustrations/visual will be disrupted/distorted by patterns, colours, photographs, collage, etc. The red bars indicates mirrored information that will be on the back side of this card. Dates will also be disrupted by some of the elements but not as much in order to retain the functionality. I've concluded that the illustrations will vary throughout the year. It will have free floating illustrations without frames and framed comics. Some images might be off registration and some will be spray painted.

visual research_noise

ways to make noise

- tissue/rice paper
- collage
- spray paint
- photograph
- random paper/flyer
- off registration
- screen printing


Stickers... why????

Stickers... they can be fun but they also can be a pain in the butt! When you are playing with it, it's fun because you can stick it anywhere you want. But, when someone sticks it on your furniture and/or fence, it's difficult to get it off. 

Stickers as part of the calendar set serves few purposes
- to mark special dates/events
- to indicate possible noise increase on the event day (warning)
- to stick the sticker on noise making objects such as speakers, tv, mowers for warning and to remind people to put a protection on (like earplugs)
- sticker = vandalism


After reviewing my audience and target market, I realized that there is no need to literally put sound device within my calendar. Of course it could be ideal to include some kind of sound piece but I think, looking at the demographics, people over 35 and up are mature enough to understand the content after look at an image/read words. Also, I am not a techno geak who knows how to play with sound system. So, I thought, why don't I express tinnitus in a visual way (something that I know how to do). 
So, for my calendar, I will be playing with the concept of noise layering/excessiveness and noise as vandalism - in a visual term. Images, colours, and text will be layered on top of each other so that each element becomes a distraction. (????)

Calendar set will include 
- 12 months calendar cards
- 1 stand
- 1-2 pairs of earplugs in a plastic bag
- 2 sheets of sticker

2008년 10월 24일 금요일


After talking to Tak, I felt the need to go back and recap my thesis and goals and objectives. Ultimately, whatever I create/design should reflect/achieve the set of goals presented in phase 2. 

- Thesis: there is a need for strengthening the association's presence in society
- Objectives/goals: to establish a solid identity, connect the association to the audience and corporate, support tinnitus patients, encourage participation, and to achieve the association goal (which is to provide information to tinnitus patients across Canada). 
- Audience: Tinnitus patients (40 and up), family and friends, corporate, and possible donors.

With the ultimate goal of strengthening the association's presence in society, I am creating a calendar gift package. This gift set will achieve the following;
- raise awareness on the issue of tinnitus and noise
- provide the audience with the necessary information to evoke understanding and sympathy (we talked about including sound piece in the project but I think my audiences are mature enough to understand or sympathize just by reading a text or looking at an image.)
- to constantly remind the receiver of noises and take the initiatives to do something to protect one's ears so to avoid getting tinnitus, if possible.
- to spread the word about tinntius association and raise money for the organization by selling the calendar
- to encourage family and friends support the patient emotionally and physically

Calendar can be given to just about anybody which means it adds the potential to reach even broader audience other than just the friends and family of a patient. It is also useful and looked at almost everyday if not at least once a week. It's a great merchandise item. It has the flexibility to become more than just a calendar with dates. It could potentially looked at as a poster or a brochure with tons of information. 

2008년 10월 22일 수요일


Final decision on deliverable

So after filtering out all the stupid ideas like zapper, I've decided to make a intructive calendar on how to get tinnitus. Also, instead of making many many sets of posters that no one's going to look at, calendar will be useful and looked at since everybody looks at calendars at least once in a week. Also, images/illustrations on a calendar is basically multiples of posters. Also, I will make the calendar as a gift item hence I'll make a Tinnitus calendar gift set for give aways.

4 Stupid but valid idea (I think)

1. bus stop bench poster. Instead of putting posters on the display window of a bus stop, Ican stick the poster on the seat of the bench and have the display witndow as...a dispensor??

2. Wahsroom! We all love the space (if it's clean) because it's quiet. It's the one place where EVERYBODY reads in/at. I could put a poster there and people will be sure to read. It usually is the only public place (other than like the library or the hospital) where everybody respects everybody's privacy and tranquality. It's also a fun place to mess around with the "water" sound (on the side of the toilet near the toliet paper dispensor). I could also play around with the toilet paper.

3. This idea (on the right) is all about being the opposite. So instead of telling people how to avoid tinnitus/noise, I going to tell people how to get tinnitus. If functioning properly, the poster should do the opposite and tell people how to avoid tinnitus/noise. The garbage can is where the poster's going to be on and inside of the garbage can, there would be brand new earplugs that people can take (hopefully)

4. There's no picture for the forth one because I haven't upload the picture yet but it's coming up soon. The forht idea is all about zapping. The idea is that I can use the fly zapper (not the electrial one but the normal one) and zap everything that makes accessive noise. For example, if a person talks too much and too loud I might zap the person and if an ipod makes loud noise I would zap it. The packaging for this zapper would contains some information about tinnitus and the association as well as something about excessive noise exposure.

In conclusion, I like 3 ideas (2,3,4) but my most favorite is the last one because it's humorous and I think it get's to people when it's funny.

2008년 10월 21일 화요일

Concept for TAC identity

I was reading and rereading my brand position and I came up with the word retractor. The word portrays TAC's brand position and that we are an organization that draws back/retracts noises from the society and from our audiences. Also, I want the logo to imply layers as tinnitus is all about layers of sound.


I am targeting people who are exposed to high level noises like;
- teens (highschoolers)
- tinnitus patients
- people in the urban/city areas
- workers who are exposed to loud noises
(construction workers, musicians, flight attendants, etc)

Noise as...

For my campaign, I came up with some metaphors for noise
Noise as/noise is
- excitement
- vandalism
- ignorance/stupidity
- a thief
- eating away ears
- drug addiction
- irrelevant
- consideration/respect
- pollution
- background noise
- shape/form
- disease
- tinnitus
- uncool/cool
- washroom/peace
- violence
- bad weather
- murderer
- junk food/leftover food/garbage
- humour
- irony/contradiction
- opposition
- taboo/x-word
- problem
- Savatage
- related to health issues and protection

What now??

I need to sketch!
- logo/trademark/identity
- campaign ideas - what is the core message??
- if needed, earplug package

Core Message

- We are an organization named TAC and we help those with tinnitus.
- Take Noise and tinnitus seriously.
- Realize how much noise we are exposed to everyday. Even if we only hear certain noises as a background noise, our ears are still receiving all the vibrations and frequencies. 
- Protect yourself from noises. Educated yourself and people around you. Let them know/remind them the long term/short term effect of noise. 
- Be a role model and be aware of the amount of noises that you put out.

brand positioning

So I talked to Don about my brand positioning and I concluded (after the meeting) that it is incorrect. So, I came up with a new set of brand positioning that has more personality and "spirit." 

Tinnitus Association of Canada brings awareness to tinnitus and the issue of noise pollution in our society through personal interaction and engagement with our audiences.

The association contributes to a safer, more comfortable, and peaceful life, enriched by our supportive staff and our expertise accumulated through 25 years as an organization.

2008년 10월 18일 토요일

2008년 10월 17일 금요일

how to design campaign...

I found a handout on effective designing....It's really lame but there's few points to keep in mind so here it is.