2008년 9월 23일 화요일

Tinnitus Cartoon


I found these cartoons on Tinnitus... It's funny! What is really funny is that the site offers to print these cartoons on T_shirts and give it away as a gift!

2008년 9월 21일 일요일


- information distribution
- easy, multi-functional, and effective communication
- what makes successful non-profit organization?
- what makes the other non-profit organizations like Red Cross or Salvation Army successful?

2008년 9월 19일 금요일

complete change

What am I passionate about? This was the big question that I had to ask myself in order to figure out the direction that I want to go to... After days of thinking and struggling, I came up with something new. What I have now is completely different from what I had before.
Tinnitus is the new topic that I want to tackle. I got my inspiration from my dad who is already suffering from the diagnosis. Tinnitus is the CONTINUOUS/CONSTANT sensation of noises in the head and/or ears, that have no corresponding external source. I took it really lightly when my dad said something about highpitch noise in his ears because I thought it's no big deal. But, I have seen my dad loosing sleep, concentration, patience, and I was really annoyed. We argued often because he would always be on the tipping point because his nerves are always focused on the extra noise that he hears.
After some research I found that tinnitus can lead to mental disorder and even to suicide. Just because tinnitus is internal and that other people don't notice it as they notice other disorders, people tend to ignor and take it lightly. The worst thing is that even doctors tell the patient to "live with it/deal with it yourself."
My dad had a huge pile of research that he has done to find out the "cure" or some kind of experiential advices from the internet or from outer sources yet he hardly found anything except for facts on tinnitus (which is really common on the internet). I tried it as well yet I could only find a page of stories and questions that people wrote on some kind of blog. Also, the facts are really just redundant that it seemed as if the info is from one source. I found that there is a tinnitus association of Canada yet, it's so badly promoted and "trivial" that it almost looked fishy. Also, according to my dad, doctors don't even know a thing about the association let alone the meetings that they organize every month for tinnitus patients.

I new that non-profit organizations with little help are struggling to promote themselves and their goals to the mass audience but I didn't know that it was this horrifying. No wonder no one donate to the small organizations. I wouldn't even care about tinnitus association and what they do if my dad wasn't suffering from tinnitus.

The bottom line is that I think that there is a need for improvement in the communication method of non-profit organizations so that they reach as wide range of audience as possible with small amount of revenue.
By providing/creating better and more effective communication method, I could
- help non-profit organization specifically tinnitus association of Canada, to promote themselves to the mass audience
- bridge the gap between the organization and the audience that there's better understanding as to what the organization is striving for.
- bridge the gap between the organization and other organizations as well as corporate (that are potential sponsors) for cooperation and generosity.
- define what effective communication is.
- connect between communities through bridging gaps.
- encourage participation in running and developing non-profit organization.
- figure out a way to penetrate the bombardment of information being put out by lots of different corporate and media and take eople to notice at the little things that are valuable and necessary like non-profit organizations (without just adding another layer of noise into the world).

2008년 9월 10일 수요일

design process...research night!

documentation of my desk and papers...

2008년 9월 8일 월요일

Tourist website


Official tourist website of Korea. I really feel like a tourist now~ Just really good image collection to download probably for future reference. I don't know whether this website will really help me sorting my concept out but at least it has nice photos and daily news~~~Let's keep track of Korean News

OutsideIn Korea

Various perspectives on Korea in and out.

Korean American Blog/info


Here is another one. Korean American or any immigrants or second generation who lives in other countries is called Kyopo in Korean. The website deals with social changes mainly caused by citizenshitf/cultural shift. Informative to know that there are some form of media that deals with citizen shift but it is not exactly what I have in mind. I think this website could be a good starting point.

Korean American Blog/info


I was researching for opinions on Korea suggested by Korean Americans living across North America. I found some good resources/blogs/info websites on the research topic and it was really interesting to read what they have to say. I agree with some of them but not all. I found that Koreans born in America has different perspective to those of immigrants.